BAD NEWS BERNIE: Moreno Caught Destroying More Evidence, Spreading “False” Claims, Says Majority Of Ohioans “Cheat[ed]” To Pass Abortion Rights

Sep 9, 2024 | County concerns, News

^ Welcome $ County concerns $ BAD NEWS BERNIE: Moreno Caught Destroying More Evidence, Spreading “False” Claims, Says Majority Of Ohioans “Cheat[ed]” To Pass Abortion Rights

Columbus, OH – It’s been another terrible week for car salesman Bernie Moreno after new reporting from Spectrum News revealed Moreno destroyed even more evidence than previously reported to get out of paying his employees. Plus, Moreno is facing scrutiny after new audio uncovered by the Columbus Dispatch revealed Bernie Moreno claimed the majority of Ohioans “cheat[ed]” to pass abortion rights.


New reporting from Spectrum News revealed “previously unreported court records” that show Bernie Moreno destroyed even more evidence to get out of paying his employees the overtime they had earned, including “daily schedules.”

In new audio uncovered by the Columbus Dispatch, Bernie Moreno claimed the majority of Ohioans “cheat[ed]” to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution last year.

MORE fact checks exposed Moreno’s lies – correcting the record that Moreno has been sued “at least 50 times” and that his attacks against Sherrod are “false.”

Ohio workers in Martins Ferry “denounced” Bernie Moreno for “screwing” his employees and “slam[med]” Moreno for being “nothing but a liar.”

MORENO DESTROYED EVEN MORE DOCUMENTS: Spectrum News uncovered “previously unreported court records” that show Bernie Moreno destroyed even more evidence to get out of paying his employees the overtime they had earned, including “daily schedules.” When asked why he destroyed evidence and stole wages, Moreno echoed lies that multiple fact-checks have already debunked as “false.”


Spectrum News: “But the judge sanctioned Moreno for destroying evidence, including monthly overtime reports and previously unreported court records also show Moreno either lost or destroyed daily schedules that could have been used to corroborate the monthly reports.

BERNIE ASPIRES TO OVERRULE THE WILL OF OHIOANS: New audio uncovered by the Columbus Dispatch this week revealed Bernie Moreno claimed the majority of Ohioans “cheat[ed]” to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution last year. Moreno has repeatedly supported overruling the will of Ohio voters by passing a national abortion ban and has said he is “100% pro-life, no exceptions.”

CHECK YOUR FACTS, BERNIE: Two recent fact checks make it clear Ohioans can’t trust a word Pants-On-Fire Bernie Moreno says – from lying about the “at least 50 times” he has been sued, which is “much more than” what Moreno has falsely claimed on the campaign trail, to Moreno spreading “misleading” and “false” claims in ads.

“NOTHING BUT A LIAR”: That’s what Ohio workers in Martins Ferry called Bernie Moreno this week as they “slam[med]” him for “screwing” his employees. Workers across the state have “condemn[ed]” Moreno for “lying to [workers’] faces,” “selling out workers,” and “stiffing his employees.”

Frank Papini, President Of USW Steelworkers Organization Of Active Retirees: “We don’t agree with what Bernie Moreno is doing. I think [he is] a fraud, he’s caused a lot of problems with workers…”

Mel Woods, UMWA Local 1304 Financial Secretary: “…Moreno is nothing but a liar.”

Dave Dilly, UMWA Ohio Coal Miners Political Action Coordinator: “He was a car salesman and it’s my understanding that he screwed over some of his employees.”


PolitiFact: “We rate [Moreno’s] claim False.” “An investigation by WKYC has uncovered that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno has been sued more than 50 times by former employees, significantly more than the five lawsuits he claimed in a recent interview.”

FOX: “Moreno has said he would vote for a national abortion ban…”

The Columbus Dispatch: “Moreno appears to harbor frustration about the decision to enshrine abortion rights in the Ohio Constitution.”

Jezebel: Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Blames Abortion Victory on Organizers Cheating & Evangelicals Not Voting

Spectrum News: “… financial disclosures show Moreno still manages a company that is developing a new Mercedes-Benz dealership in the Columbus area.”

Times Leader: “…Moreno testified that he did not retain documents from the dealership when he sold it as part of M11 Motors LLC to new owners. Moreno added that he shredded documents sometime in late 2020.”

WTOV: “Union leaders attacked Moreno’s integrity about business decisions affecting his employees.”

Frank Papini, President Of USW Steelworkers Organization Of Active Retirees: “He’s a used car dealer, and has no idea what a good day’s work is.”

Dave Dilly, UMWA Ohio Coal Miners Political Action Coordinator: “He’s always catered to the rich people… he screwed some of his employees and got caught with it…”

Daniel Lippman, POLITICO: “… a trust belonging in part to the wealthy Republican Senate candidate [Bernie Moreno] was more than a year late on paying a $20,000 tax bill on a house that it owns.”


CODA: “[Moreno’s] always been for himself…”


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