Local UAW 1219 President Criticizes Bernie Moreno For “Refus[ing] To Stand With Auto Workers”

Sep 17, 2024 | County concerns, News

^ Welcome $ County concerns $ Local UAW 1219 President Criticizes Bernie Moreno For “Refus[ing] To Stand With Auto Workers”

Columbus, OH – On the one-year anniversary of the UAW Stand Up Strike, UAW Local 1219 President Jeff Adams called out Moreno for “sid[ing] with corporate greed” and being “nowhere to be found” on the picket line – the latest instance of Ohio auto workers making clear they don’t trust Moreno due to his record “selling out workers” and “stiffing his employees.”

Read More:

Lima News: Letter: Moreno refused to stand with auto workers
Jeffery Adams
September 16, 2024

As president of the United Auto Workers Local 1219, I have learned that while lots of politicians like to pay lip service to supporting Ohio workers, it’s the tough times that reveal who really has our backs.

Last year’s UAW strike was one of those times… [Bernie Moreno] was nowhere to be found during the strike.

We never heard Moreno say anything in solidarity with striking workers. Instead, Moreno sided with corporate greed and showed no respect for the sacrifices auto workers have made over the years to save the auto industry.

Moreno has a record of stiffing his workers and has been sued over a dozen times for wage theft. In one case, Moreno shredded evidence he was legally required to keep just to weasel his way out of paying his workers the overtime wages they had earned. He was found liable and forced to pay over $400,000 to his employees. He doesn’t even believe the minimum wage should exist.

Moreno only claims he supports workers when it is convenient for him. He’s proved that he cares only about himself, and we can’t trust him to fight for us.

SEE ALSO: Ohio Workers “Chide” And “Condemn” Bernie Moreno For “Selling Out Workers” And “Stiffing His Employees”


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