Special interests pledge $4 million to secure Ohio Supreme Court majority that protects corporations instead of Ohioans

Sep 5, 2024 | County concerns, News

^ Welcome $ County concerns $ Special interests pledge $4 million to secure Ohio Supreme Court majority that protects corporations instead of Ohioans

Right-wing candidates will support an extreme agenda that protects corporations, restricts access to reproductive care, and more

Columbus, OH —With corporate special interest groups pledging $4 million in undisclosed spending to support three right-wing Ohio Supreme Court candidates, it’s clear that they know Joe Deters, Megan Shanahan, and Dan Hawkins will rubber-stamp their corporate agenda instead of protect the rights and freedoms of Ohioans.

“Corporate special interests and extreme anti-abortion groups are lining up behind the right-wing candidates for Ohio Supreme Court for one reason: These candidates aren’t interested in fairly upholding the law, they’re only interested in pushing a personal political agenda,” said Ohio Democratic Party Chair Elizabeth Walters. “We deserve a fair and impartial Supreme Court that believes in protecting our most basic rights, holding big corporations accountable when they break the law, and looking out for every Ohioan.”

According to the report, the groups behind today’s multi-million dollar pledge explicitly acknowledged these justices would rule in their favor, saying, “businesses want stable, predictable rulings from a state supreme court on issues such as business liabilities, workers’ compensation, taxes and regulations and redistricting.” 

Last week Ohio Right to Life, an extreme anti-abortion group that only endorses candidates who pledge that they’ll oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest, also endorsed the three right-wing candidates for the court. Ohio Right to Life opposed Issue 1 last year and has continued to support abortion restrictions in the state. After last week’s lower court decision removing Ohio’s waiting period on abortion access, Ohio Right to Life said “we believe the Ohio Supreme Court is going to reverse a lot of this soon.”

“These groups aren’t even trying to hide their confidence that Joe Deters, Megan Shanahan, and Dan Hawkins will consistently rule in their favor – that should raise major flags for any Ohioan who believes in an independent Supreme Court,” added Chair Walters.


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