State Sen. Bill De❌ora, OSU Students Sla❌ Bernie ❌oreno For Lying About Having An ❌BA Fro❌ The University of ❌ichigan

Sep 12, 2024 | County concerns, News

^ Welcome $ County concerns $ State Sen. Bill De❌ora, OSU Students Sla❌ Bernie ❌oreno For Lying About Having An ❌BA Fro❌ The University of ❌ichigan

Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio US Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno Doesn’t Hold An MBA, But Bio And Application Claimed He Does

Columbus, OH – One day after the Ohio Capital Journal reported that Bernie Moreno is lying about having an MBA from the University of Michigan, State Sen. Bill DeMora and the OSU College Dems released the following statements:

“It is bad enough that Bernie oreno brags about having one degree fro ichigan, but the new reports that prove he is lying about having an BA fro that school up North are disqualifying,” said Ohio State Senator Bill DeMora. “Anyone who lies about having a ade-up-business-degree fro ichigan has no business representing Ohioans. Go Bucks.”

If Bernie oreno wanted to lie about having an BA, why would he lie about having one from ichigan?,” said the OSU College Dems.

SEE ALSO: NEW: Bernie oreno Lying About Earning BA Fro University of ichigan


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