Two Questions JD Vance Needs to Answer From Ohioans 

Sep 26, 2024 | County concerns, News

^ Welcome $ County concerns $ Two Questions JD Vance Needs to Answer From Ohioans 

Columbus, OH-  Ohio Senator and vice presidential nominee JD Vance has been all over the country this year as he hits the campaign trail. But even before he became Trump’s running mate, the one place that he’s been rarely seen is his home state of Ohio. Instead, he spent his time traveling around the country in pursuit of more political power

That’s why as Ohioans all over the state prepare to cast their ballots this November, they’ll be asking the question: what have you done for us? And nowhere is that more true than in Appalachia, where residents are still waiting for the help that Vance promised after he put them in the national spotlight with his 2016 book.

Ohioans are wondering what Vance has been doing to make their lives better during his 18 months in the United States Senate. But they’ve watched him follow Donald Trump around in service of his own ambitions while working Ohioans fall behind.

And that’s why Ohio voters are also asking: if you haven’t kept your promises to voters in your home state, why should we give you a promotion?

“During Vance’s short time in the Senate, he’s done nothing but parade around with the same special interests that he derided on the campaign trail,” said Ohio Democratic Party spokeswoman Katie Seewer. “Ohioans deserve answers, but it’s far more likely they’ll get more extreme lies and conspiracies.”


The post Two Questions JD Vance Needs to Answer From Ohioans  appeared first on Ohio Democrats.

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