Workers in Martins Ferry “Denounced” Bernie Moreno For “Screw[ing]” His Former Employees

Sep 4, 2024 | County concerns, News

^ Welcome $ County concerns $ Workers in Martins Ferry “Denounced” Bernie Moreno For “Screw[ing]” His Former Employees

Times Leader: Unions Slam Moreno

Martins Ferry, OH – Yesterday, Ohio workers in Martins Ferry “denounced” Bernie Moreno for “screwing” his employees and “slam[med]” Moreno for being “nothing but a liar.” Workers across the state have “condemn[ed]” Moreno for “lying to [workers’] faces,” “selling out workers,” and “stiffing his employees.”

Moreno has faced scrutiny for refusing to pay his employees what they were owed, deliberately destroying evidence to get out of paying them, and lying about selling Chinese-made cars that Ohio workers say “shipped Ohio jobs overseas.”

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WTOV: Union leaders criticize Moreno, back Brown for supporting workers
Jesse Cain
September 3, 2024

Ohio workers denounced the character of Bernie Moreno, the Republican nominee for Ohio U.S. Senate, and threw their support to the Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown.

Union leaders attacked Moreno’s integrity about business decisions affecting his employees.

“He’s always catered to the rich people,” UMWA Ohio COMPAC Coordinator Dave Dilly said. “You know, [he] had a Mercedes dealership and that kind of stuff. And he’s made a lot of money. He’s a shrewd businessman, but his problem has been, from what I understand and have read, he screwed some of his employees and got caught with it, where Sherrod Brown has always been for the working class.”

Times Leader: Unions slam Moreno
Gage Vota
September 4, 2024

The United Mine Workers of America and United Steel Workers held a joint press conference Tuesday morning to condemn Bernie Moreno, the Republican nominee for United States Senate in Ohio.

“We don’t agree with what Bernie Moreno is doing,” said Frank Papini, president of USW Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees. “I think [he is] a fraud, he’s caused a lot of problems with workers and we’re here today as miners, steelworkers, and all other laborers to refute what he has to say.”

Papini added that he believes Moreno is not for workers

Moreno testified that he did not retain documents from the dealership when he sold it as part of M11 Motors LLC to new owners. Moreno added that he shredded documents sometime in late 2020.

He’s a used car dealer, and has no idea what a good day’s work is,” Papini said.

[United Mine Workers of America Local 1304 Financial Secretary Mel Woods, a third-generation coal miner] said. “…Moreno is nothing but a liar.”

[Woods] then echoed Papini’s sentiment of not trusting Moreno because he allegedly shredded documents.

“As far as Bernie Moreno, I only know what I’ve read,” [United Mine Workers of America Ohio Coal Miners Political Action Coordinator Dave Dilly] said. “He was a car salesman and it’s my understanding that he screwed over some of his employees. He’s always been for himself and for rich people, the difference is Sherrod Brown’s always been for the working class and stood up for unions.”


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